3 Reasons Why You Need Facebook Ads For A Successful Reopening
As the entire world heals from a gripping once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, many economies are starting to spark up and show signs of life. Social distancing measures have been effective in many areas, and businesses are able to start reopening (albeit with various provisions).These businesses that are reopening, especially small businesses, are finding that there’s a bit of a struggle involved with picking up right where they left off. The effects of COVID-19 will be felt on both businesses and consumers for years to come. These effects may mean that your business will likely need a little bit of an extra boost to get back to the level it was at before.And, believe it or not, many businesses are finding that the key to a successful business reopening lies in Facebook Ads. Let’s take a look at three reasons why reopening advertisements on Facebook may be what your business needs:
Social media is arguably one of the best places to run a reopening advertising campaign. With Facebook being the largest social media company in existence, it makes sense to focus your advertising efforts in that direction.COVID-19 caused many consumers to live these last few months on a budget. This saw many people cancelling their cable and satellite TV, as well as trimming down their streaming services. So television ads are out of the question. Many consumers are not in their cars commuting to and from work, running lots of errands, etc.. so radio ads would be terrible right now.But Facebook is extremely popular. With Facebook advertising you can target very specific demographics and very specific types of people. This means you can find your ideal customer, extrapolate that into thousands of ideal customers, and show them reopening ads for your business.Facebook knows a lot about its users. It knows what zip code they’re in. It knows what their interests are. If you want to advertise to dog lovers in one specific zip code, Facebook lets you do that. Target moms that post in mommy groups. Target board game lovers. Target people who looked into starting a business online during COVID-19.You can be as specific or as broad as you’d like!Imagine being able to clone your best types of customers. Now imagine having these ideal customers waiting for you to open back up. Facebook Ads makes that possible.
Facebook Ads are arguably one of the most affordable ways to advertise the reopening of your business. Online advertising is not always a case of “You get what you pay for.” Don’t be misled, however, it’s easy for someone with no experience to burn through a lot of money very quickly.When you work with a company that has as much experience as we do, you can expect to keep the costs down low while still running successful ad campaigns.For example our average price per 1,000 ad impressions is about $8! And if you ran ads on your own, you can see results for as little as $5 per day!Obviously that kind of pricing simply isn’t possible with other more ‘traditional’ forms of advertising, radio, TV, billboards, etc.. Even other forms of web-based and mobile-based advertising may not be as cost effective as a VIVO Facebook Reopening Campaign.
Economies are quickly opening back up as local government and health officials rapidly change laws surrounding social distancing, quarantining, and other health-conscious measures. This has many companies scrambling trying to get the word out about their reopening.Advertising your business reopening on Facebook is great because it can show results VERY quickly. A marketing agency like VIVO Creative will be able to get an ad campaign going in a matter of minutes. It’s entirely possible to see actual results within just a few hours.Your business doesn’t even need to be open yet to run these lightning-fast advertisements.Running an ad campaign to get email list subscribers to be notified about your reopening, to take pre-orders on products or food items, or to download/print some special reopening offers or coupons are all great ways to take advantage of the within-hours results Facebook can deliver.Want to learn more? See how we handle Facebook Ads for our customers.
Do you remember when this pandemic really started to take a toll on the Hudson Valley? One of the common questions was “Is (business name) open right now?” or “Did (business name) have to close their doors too?”The inverse of those questions will be true as communities start to reopen. There won’t be this one magical day where every single business out there just unlocks their doors and picks up where they left off back in February or March.On top of that, there are many small businesses that have sadly been forced to close their doors for good. Consumers aren’t even sure of what companies are still in business and which ones felt the squeeze of COVID-19 a little more than the others.Running a reopening advertising campaign on Facebook is a great way to let customers know that, for one, you’re still in business. Secondly, consumers will know the exact date that they will be able to start doing business with you again.FREE Facebook Ads Proposal: Get Help Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Campaign