5 Things to Keep in Mind When Trying Out Facebook Ads
5 Things to Keep in Mind When Trying Out Facebook Ads
Before kicking Facebook ads to the curb, make sure to keep these five things in mind while testing out your campaigns to make sure you are effectively utilizing your budget:
1. Using the Boost Button simply because Facebook is pushing that a particular post is performing better than other posts on your page is not an effective use of your budget.
Taking the time to build a campaign within the Ads Manager that will allow you to manipulate your audience demographics, target specific fields of interests, and nail down particular purchase behaviors will allow you to build an audience that is 90% more likely to respond to your campaign.Think about this as an example: Say you're the Page Manager for a business page that has about 200 likes/followers. You've been pretty up-to-date with posting on a regular basis and now all of a sudden you're seeing notifications from Facebook that are pointing out that certain posts are performing 95% better than other posts on your page, so you decide to try it out. You follow the steps, decide to run the boost for that particular post for a week and you're targeting your audience as those who've 'liked your page and their friends". Just by choosing that as an option, you're limiting your audience to those who've liked your page between those followers and their inner groups of friends whereas taking the time to build out an audience will really target down who you'd like your ad to reach and the overall potential number reach may shock you as to how large these audience sizes have the potential to be.
2. Play around with the Budget Tool.
Sometimes if you play around with your lifetime & daily budgets, you'll notice that your potential daily audience reach doesn't shift much at all! So rather than dishing out all that cash on a campaign, take some time to play with the numbers. Who knows, you might save yourself some money in the long run if you feel that the numbers aren't that off!
3. Use the Objective that makes the most sense.
Figure out what your marketing objective is, then choose the one that makes the most sense. For example, if you're sharing a video and the purpose of your campaign is to have individuals sign up for a gym membership using an external link, you'll want to choose the option for 'traffic' because you'd like to send your audience to a destination off Facebook. Link clicks in that particular campaign are more valuable than say video views. Facebook has been pretty good at breaking down each marketing objective in the Ads Manager. To browse through each one individually to figure out which would work best for your campaign, simply hover over the objective and click on the "i" button for more details.
4. Avoid lengthy headlines & descriptions.
If you're setting up a campaign that requires a headline and/or description, be sure to preview your ad using the 'Mobile News Feed' option to avoid having your headlines or descriptions cut off.
5. Choose your caption wisely.
The text you choose for your caption can ultimately determine what the relevance score will be, which estimates how well your target audience is responding to your ad on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. [et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_3]