Infographic - Facebook Ads Vs Newspaper Ads

Facebook Ads Vs Newspaper Ads (Infographic)

The choice could not be clearer!

We've noticed there's still quite a few advertisers in the diminishing medium of newspaper print ads.  In light of this, we put Facebook Ads to the test and compared them with the archaic medium, only to discover what we knew all along; newspaper advertising is no competition for the trackable Facebook Advertising medium.facebook vs newspaperOn virtually every level, the prospect of Facebook advertising completely overshadows the use of traditional print ads.  For branding, call to action, and even event advertising, if you're still using newspaper, we implore you, please give Facebook ads a shot for even 1 week.  You'll notice an immediate difference in the quality, the creative capability, and ROI!Keep in mind, a Facebook ad strategy only works when you have a dedicated social media advertising partner to help with your campaign.  Make sure to Contact Us about your social media marketing needs.  We're happy to help bring your business into the 21st century.


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