6 Holidays in October that Make Easy Social Media Content for your Liquor Store or Restaurant

Here are 6 Holidays in October to Help You Create Social Content for Your Liquor Store or Restaurant

Sometimes coming up with content for your social platforms isn’t as simple as you’d hope. Thankfully, we’re here to help you get that creative side buzzing! One great place to start would be taking a look at the National Day Calendar to see if any national days relate with your business. We’ve gone ahead and compiled a list of the six holidays that all liquor stores and restaurants should partake in if you’re looking to generate some content for the month of October.

National Vodka Day - Wednesday, October 4th

National Vodka Day is a great opportunity to showcase what’s in stock or behind the bar! By setting aside a few moments to put together a quick recipe video highlighting a new cocktail or simply setting up a tasting session where your customers can try one of the hundreds of different flavors that are available nowadays or have your customers pick out which vodka is their favorite using reaction buttons, it’s a quick way to generate some content & buzz on your social platforms.Official Hashtag: #NationalVodkaDay

National Dessert Day - Saturday, October 14th

When would be a better time to showcase your dessert wines than on National Dessert Day? Choose five or so of your favorites, line them up together and snap a quick photo to share on your social platforms encouraging your customers to give them a try! Wine can be intimidating, if you lend a helping hand, people will be more willing to try something new. Official Hashtag: #NationalDessertDay

National Liqueur Day - Saturday, October 16th

If you’d like to try something a little different at this point, why not create an infographic of popular liqueurs from A-Z. We found a great resource to at www.thespruce.com to get you started. Official Hashtag: #NationalLiqueurDay

National Boston Cream Pie Day - Monday, October 23rd

Consider sharing a Boston Cream Pie recipe like, Boston Creme Pie Martini! Here’s a sample recipe to use as guidance from allrecipes.com.Official Hashtag: #BostonCreamPieDay

National Pumpkin Day - Thursday, October 26th

If you have anything pumpkin flavored in the liquor store or on the menu, now’s the time to showcase it! It also wouldn’t hurt to throw in some humor some how with those who are obsessed with all things pumpkin-flavored during this time of the year.Official Hashtag: #NationalPumpkinDay

National Chocolate Day - Saturday, October 28th

Nothing goes better with chocolate than wine! Your wine lovers will appreciate you sharing some wine & chocolate pairings with them!Official Hashtag: #NationalChocolateDay

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